About us

We are a coarse, fly and match fishing club and we are based in Guisborough. We currently have two rivers and two ponds that you are able to fish as a member. Along with that we recently added Lockwood Beck, we also hold a number of matches each year at venues around the region.

Guisborough Angling Club (GAC) is a non profit making legally registered Incorporated Limited Company.

We are a small club which consists of a Committee including a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

All the committee members are elected /relected by the lay club members at the Annual General Meeting and the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer are in turn nominated and elected/re-elected by the members/committee members at the AGM.


Our History

The club was formed in 1908 but the first written records of its existence are recorded in the GAC Minutes of Meetings (MOM) book of 1915 to 1982. The first recorded GAC AGM was held at 8pm on February 16th 1915 in the old Mechanics Institute in Guisborough. It is worth mentioning that this beautiful old building is still existing.

Four members and one other were present , Mr H Newson (Chairman), G. Atkinson, H. D .Denshaw( Treasurer), R. Pybus and the Secretary (person unknown). One of the proposals of this AGM was for the re-election of all the above members which is a clear indication the club was in existence prior to this first written record.

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